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Veterans Support Council, Inc.

Phone Icon (317) 489-9471

HHAD Planning Committee Meetings Page

HHAD's Planning Committee weekly Zoom meetings will be each Wednesday 7:00 PM starting 9 October 2024.

Zoom Meeting Information for HHAD or VSC meetings,
click on: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4041895202?pwd=TTIwSFBpeDJma0dORFBybUZmTGM0Zz09  (password "Don")

Current Project Information on HHAD
(Last updated 30Aug24 at 1210)

The information below is updated as our event comes together.  Some of the below links have not been completed.  If you have any questions about being on HHAD's Planning Committee, please get in touch with Don Hawkins at Hawkins@Veterans.ooo or call (317) 632-0500

Event Brochure ..... .... .... ....
Sponsors Letter Mayors Support Letter IN DVA Support Letter
Vendor / Exhibitor Letter .... Multi-Use Invoice/Receipt
Event Program - Draft .... ....
HHAD Site Map WRSP Site Map White River State Park

www.HoosierHeroes.net Sign-Up for Planning Committee Sign-Up to be a Volunteer
Event Proposal Proposed Budget Tents, Tables & Chairs
Potential Income - Other than Sponsors Potential Income - Sponsors Proposed Sponsors List
HHAD's DropBox Team Leaders Big Tent Layout

Teams Required to Plan this Event
Team & Descrptions Team Leader(s) Contact Information
Door Prizes - (Round-Up, get them to event) 
Fund Raising & Sponsors - (Cash & In-Kind)  Don Hawkins 317-632-0500 Hawkins@Veterans.ooo
Facility - (White River State Park, Venue, Permits, Licences, Insurance, IFD Flag, etc.) Don Hawkins
Laura Dowling

317-372-6010 LauraChernin@livenation.com 

Sep-Up - (Site Plan/Layout, Placement, etc. 
Check-In for Attendees - (3 locations)(Other than Volunteers, Vendors/Exhibitors) Jerry Morgan
Car, truck & Motorcycle Show - (Manage & Check-In)
Concert, Friday evening the 21st
Faith & Family Festival. Sunday the 22nd
Motorcycle Ride - (Manage & Check-In) Mike Clark
Job Fair - (Manage & Check-In) Lupe Martinez
Vendors/Exhibitors - Manage & Check-In) Yvonne Sukenick
Volunteers - (Manage & Check-In)(Youth Groups, Church, T-Shirts)

Bob Braum
Jerry Morgan

Suppliers - (Tents, Tables, Chairs in Big Tent)(Ice, Porta-Pots, Golf Carts Coins, etc.) Tents - Mary Bayt 317-
Entertainment (Kids) - Kida area (Bounce House, Kids Games, etc.)
Entertainment (adults) - Bands (Sound system for main stage) Dave Sassman
Kim Harvey
Entertainment - (State Fair type vendors, etc.)
Food Service - (in Food Tent) Katie Putnam, NCAA 317-917-6222 or -6470
Food Service - (Food Vendors outside Big Tent)
Health & Safety - (MESH & Ambulance) Annie Edwards
Program Participants - (Announcer, Speakers, Band, Bugler, SIngers, Color Guard, Missing Man, Bag Pipes, etc.)
Promotion & Advertising (Press Release, TV, Radio, Websites, Newsprint, Publications, etc
Security -
Parking -
Suppliers - (Other than food) Printers, Tents
Transportation -
Tear-Down & Clean-Up -
Law enforcement - (Sherriff, IMPD, State Police, etc.)
Fire Fighters - (IFD, etc.)
Hospitals -
EMS Units - Annie Edwards
Sports Teams - (Colts, Pacers, Indians, Fuel, etc.)
Veterans Organizations - (American Legion, VFW, DAV, NGAI, VVA, Marine COrps League, AMVETS, etc.)
Indianapolis Zoo Jake weeks
Julia Lawson
Indianapolis Indians Johnathon Howard 317-532-6941

For Medical or Physical Emergencies:

  • New -  dial 988 - By dialing 988 your call will be immediately routed to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
    • The current Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) is always available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, even after 988 is launched nationally.,
  • If you or someone you are helping is hurt or in imminent danger, please get to a phone and dial 9-1-1 for immediate help.
  • If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or facing a crisis, dial 2-1-1 in Indy or 1-(866) 211-9966 for immediate help.
  • If you are a victim of domestic violence, dial 1-(800) 332-7385 in Indy for help.

For Non-Emergencies:

  • If you are a Veteran, or a family member of a Veteran, in search of information on how to get goods or services you/they may need, you can dial 2-1-1 or contact one of the Service Providers or Veterans Organizations listed on our "Resources" page.
  • Cellphone users in Marion County may now dial 3-1-1 to reach the non-emergency line for IMPD and other Marion County dispatchers. The non-emergency phone number for callers using landlines is (317) 327-3811.

Please Note:

  • VSC is not a provider of any financial assistance or direct services other than Information and Referrals on where to get goods, services, programs, and benefits for Veterans, the Military, and their families.


  • This is a private website and is NOT affiliated with any U.S. government or U.S. Armed Forces agencies.
  • We reserve the right to monitor the content of this website and regret that some suggested or recommended resources may not be accepted for one reason or another.
  • The information and organizations listed on this website do not necessarily mean that we endorse their information, data, or their resources.  We have done our best to include information and resources that benefit our Veterans, the Military Community, and their Families.

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